Are Clear Aligners Better Than Braces?

This is a common question among individuals considering orthodontic treatment. Both braces and clear aligners are used by adults and children alike to achieve tooth movement and bite correction. Clear aligners are a more modern alternative to traditional metal braces, offering a more discreet and comfortable method to straighten teeth. Metal braces have stood the test of time and been in use for nearly 200 years.  

It is important to understand the differences between these two treatments to make an informed decision about which one would be more suitable for your needs.

Braces Overview

Braces are a highly effective method of orthodontically moving and aligning teeth. With the use of arch wires, brackets, ligatures, and elastics, braces rely on the consistent application of force over time to remodel the bone supporting the teeth, allowing the teeth to gradually move to the desired position. Wires must be changed every 4-8 weeks during treatment, with typical treatment times ranging from 1-3 years. 

Clear Aligners Overview

On the other hand, clear aligner systems utilize advanced technology to create precise treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique dental anatomy.  By using a series of clear, removable trays that are changed every 1-2 weeks,  the teeth are gradually moved to the pre-planned final position.. The trays are made from a smooth, comfortable, and virtually invisible plastic material. Clear aligners are custom-made based on digital impressions taken of your teeth, resulting in highly accurate and efficient treatment. . 

Let's compare the advantages and considerations of both braces and clear aligners:

Treatment Effectiveness: Clear aligners utilize robotic technology and custom trays which facilitates highly accurate and predictable tooth movement. This can result in faster treatment times and potentially fewer appointments with your dentist or orthodontist. Tooth position with braces is determined by metal wires thus changing the wires and making adjustments are necessary throughout the course of treatment. The treatment effectiveness of clear aligners depends on your compliance in wearing the aligners for the recommended 20-22 hours a day, whereas braces are affixed to the teeth and unable to be removed by the patient.

Discreteness and Convenience: As the name suggests, clear aligners are clear and barely noticeable, making them an attractive option for individuals seeking a more inconspicuous orthodontic treatment. They can be easily removed for eating, brushing, and flossing, allowing for greater convenience. Braces, on the other hand, use brackets and wires that are more noticeable. They are fixed appliances and cannot be removed, which makes oral care and cleanliness more difficult, often resulting in problems of the teeth and gums following treatment. 

Complexity of Cases: Braces are particularly suited for complex orthodontic cases and individuals who may not be compliant with clear aligners.  With today’s modern advancements in methods and materials, clear aligners can treat a wide range of orthodontic issues, allowing for more accurate treatment planning and precise control. Severe cases may require other treatment options such as headgear or orthognathic surgery. 

Whether braces or clear aligners is the better treatment option for you depends on various factors, including the complexity of your case and your personal preferences. Both methods offer benefits to your oral health that aligned teeth and an idealized bite can provide, such as healthier gums, decreased TMJ symptoms, and increased self esteem.

To make an informed decision, it's recommended to consult an experienced dental professional who can evaluate your specific needs and guide you towards the most suitable treatment option. Achieving a healthy and beautiful smile is the goal, and Grants Ferry Family Dentistry can help. Schedule a virtual consultation or contact us today to learn more. 


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